Color Elevation Map of Kansas

Color elevation map

The elevation in Kansas rises gradually from east to west. The lowest point, at 679 feet above sea level, is where the Verdigris River exits the state into Oklahoma just south of Coffeyville in Montgomery County. The highest point, at 4,039 feet above sea level, is on the Colorado border in Wallace County. Although not a large rise, it is known as Mount Sunflower.

The map above shows seven Kansas locations in relation to the changing elevations:

  1. Mount Sunflower in Wallace County
  2. Liberal in Seward County
  3. The geographic center of the contiguous United States just northwest of Lebanon in Smith County
  4. Great Bend in Barton County
  5. Wichita in Sedgwick County
  6. Topeka in Shawnee County
  7. The lowest point in Kansas just south of Coffeyville in Montgomery County