A place to learn about Kansas geology
Earthquakes, Sinkholes, Landslides, and Environmental Issues
Learn more about earthquakes, sinkholes, landslides, and environmental issues facing Kansas today and the KGS role in addressing them.

Explore the State
Discover Kansas’s rich geologic history, unusual and unexpected topography, and natural resource gems in every corner of the state.

Geologic Exploration: Tools and Techniques
Maps, oil and water well drills, seismic sensors, and other geologic tools help collect vital information for evaluating natural resources, making economic decisions, and guiding public policy.

Geologic Time
The history of Earth is told through eons and eras, periods and epochs — in a rock record that is billions of years old.

Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils
Rocks, minerals, and fossils are the foundation of Kansas landscapes and provide clues to life in the state's ancient past.

Water, Oil, and Natural Resources
Water, industrial minerals, oil, and gas are essential to life, growth, and the economy in Kansas.